We will be traveling in spherical time, which is different from linear time. In spherical time the future has already happened. So we are visiting the Chakra points in a feminine way, not from the first to the highest, but as the female energy brings us there.

Chakra points which we will visit:

  • 1st CHAKRA (Base) – Uxmal
  • 2nd CHAKRA (Sexual) – Labna
3rd CHAKRA (Will power) – Kabah
4th CHAKRA (Heart) – Chichen Itza
5th CHAKRA (Throat) – Tulum
  • 6th CHAKRA (Third eye) – Kohunlich
7th CHAKRA (Crown Chakra) – Palenque
  • TIKAL (Guatemala): the base chakra of a new cycle (optional/extended visit)

There is an option of a 4-day extension to GUATEMALA (Oct 13-16, 2024), including the visit of Tikal (the last temple Drunvalo visited following the Serpent of Light). See the Itinerary for details.

****All program will be presented in ENGLISH ****
(in case of shown interest, translation in other languages can be organized)

All program is presented by LuKa and Anna, with the assistance of local guides. LuKa and Anna will be your guides through the ancient mysteries of Mexico, and will be leading Awakening Heart meditations, ceremonies and unlocking the doors to secret places.


Arrival to MEXICO CITY International Airport: SEPTEMBER 30th, 2024

Sacred Journey Days: OCTOBER 1st-12th, 2024

Departure from MEXICO CITY International Airport: OCTOBER 13th, 2024

Optional: GUATEMALA EXTENSION (Oct 13th-16th, 2024)


  • 4222 USD (until June 1st, 2024)
  • 4444 USD (from June 2nd on, 2024)

Deposit of 1500 USD must be paid in 7 days after registration.

The rest of the payment is due before August 1st, 2024.

(international flight to Mexico city and back home is not included)

If you want to arrive early to Mexico City, or stay longer in Mexico City after the journey, please let us know, and we will book extra nights for you (based on Booking.com/Hotels.com).


  • Single room throughout the journey: 75 USD/day
  • Extra days before/after the journey in **** hotel with breakfast: TBA


  • 888 USD (till May 31st, 2024)
  • 999 USD (after May 31st, 2024)

Single room throughout the Guatemala part of the journey (surcharge): 75 USD/day


  • Full 14-day SACRED JOURNEY
  • Full accommodation in 4 STAR and 5 STAR hotels (1 time 3 STAR hotel)
  • Accommodation in Double/Twin room (Single room extra charge)
  • Domestic flights (Mexico City – Palenque, Cancun – Mexico City)
  • MEALS: Breakfast and dinner included on all travel days (exceptions: Day 1 only dinner, Day 14 only breakfast); Day 10 is ALL INCLUSIVE (*****Hotel Dreams Tulum)
  • All transfers from airport to hotel and back
  • All entrance fees
  • All transport with coach buses
  • Spiritual guidance with LU KA through the whole journey, morning meditations or ceremonies on certain days
  • Professional local guides and 24h service


13 nights in Double bed or Twin bed (Single bed as extra charge)

Surcharge for Single room throughout the journey: 75 USD per day

FOOD & WATER – included

Breakfast included on all travel days (except Day 1).
Dinner included on all travel days (except Day 14).
Breakfast, lunch and dinner (all inclusive) on Day 10 (*****Hotel Dreams Tulum).
Diet possible choices: ALL, VEGETARIAN, VEGAN.
*For any special diet request, please let us know.*
Cooled bottled mineral water will be available on the bus all the time.


We have included all of the entrance fees in the price. Because of the new government regulations we will be able to confirm the private visit only a few months before the journey starts, but it is in the plan.

LOCAL FLIGHTS – included

2 local flights included: Mexico City – Palenque, Cancun – Mexico City


  • Meet and assistance upon arrival and departure to / from Mexico City airport and throughout the program
  • Group or individual transfers from airport to hotel and back

NOT INCLUDED in any part of the Mexico Tour program

  • International airline tickets (you must arrive to Mexico City International Airport)
  • Drinks throughout the meals (except coffee, tea and juice during breakfasts, except one day in Tulum where we have ALL INCLUSIVE PROGRAM in hotel the whole day)
  • Travel/Life insurance – please arrange in your country
  • Visa
  • Personal expenses and items, souvenirs etc.
  • Any additional cost not mentioned in what the price includes
  • Extended trip to Guatemala (Oct 13-16, 2024)


The program is as follows (subject to minor changes if needed):


With your international flight you can come to Mexico City International Airport at any time of the day.

You will just need to tell us your flight number and time of arrival. And we will meet you at the airport, and will have transport arranged from the airport to the hotel for you.

Meals: Dinner
Overnight: Hotel Casablanca


Lu Ka will perform an Awakening Heart opening circle meditation with a ceremony. Later on, our main stop will be the Museum of Anthropology, where we will have time to explore the treasures of the Aztec and Maya culture at one of the finest archaeological museums in the world.

After this we will go to the airport to fly to our first sacred location Palenque. Flight is only 1,5 hour long. Afterwards, we will have a transfer to our next hotel, where we check-in and have dinner. We will be almost in the middle of the jungle. You can relax by the pool of our beautiful hotel resort.


Meals: breakfast, dinner

Overnight: CHAN-KAH Resort Village


We’ll visit the archeological zone – Mayan ruins in Palenque. This site represents the Pineal/Crown chakra. There we will visit the place where Drunvalo placed a crystal for chakra grid activation in 1985.

Palenque is both an unusual and eccentric outpost of Mayan culture. Strictly speaking, it is not part of the Yucatan peninsula. However, as a masterpiece of Mayan art and architecture, it has no equal. With its great Temple of Inscriptions, built above a king’s fabulous tomb, Palenque holds a unique place in Mayan lore. Only 10% of Palenque’s nearly 1400 Mayan buildings have been excavated and the King’s tomb, hidden for a thousand years and discovered in 1949, took four years to excavate. The crypt, covered by a huge monolithic slab 3 meter long and 2 meter wide, is 25 meters below the floor of the temple. The entire temple complex that comprises Palenque extends for at least six kilometers up and down the banks of a small river, the Rio Otolum, that flows directly through the site.

Food for thought regarding the pyramid of Maya ruler Pacal: The cover on the “stone tomb” seems to be quite controversial since Erich von Daniken interprets it as an astronaut going up to the space in a rocket ship. In any case, it shows some sort of ascension to the heavens, connecting the underworld with the upper world.

Later on, we will continue to Chicanna and to our hotel. Did I say hotel? It is the best Eco Village Resort in the area which includes swimming pool, terraces and exuberant and colorful gardens.

Meals: breakfast, dinner
Hotel: ECO VILLAGE Chicanna Resort

DAY 4 (Oct 3rd) – CHICANNA and BECAN

We’ll visit the Maya archaeological places, where not many tourists go. These sites were dedicated to the Sky god of Rain, and the Monster gate temple to enter the subconscious reality.

Chicanna in Mayan means “The house of the mouth of the serpent”. Becan, the archaeological site of Chicanna, is famous for its near perfect monster mouth temple. Designated as Structure II, this temple inspired the name of the archaeological site; “Chi” means mouth, “Caan” snake, and “Na” house. The Mayan name for the site is unknown, but with the rapid progress being made in deciphering Mayan hieroglyphics, Chicanna’s real name may soon be discovered carved upon its walls.

Chicanna is the entrance to the Underworld. The temple represents monster mouth doorways, and therefore represents portals to the underworld that enable priests to communicate with the gods and spirits of the underworld.

Afterwards, we will visit Becan, which in Mayan means “ravine formed by water”. It is believed that this temple served as a protection in an event of a war. A surface tunnel connects two main plazas. You will see the amazing painted masks. In one period of Maya culture, as described by Drunvalo Melchizedek, one of these plazas was used for human sacrifices. These two plazas represent the integration of male and female energy.

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Hotel: ECO VILLAGE Chicanna Resort


We will check out and hit the road (up to an hour drive), to spend the day in the reserve of Calakmul, where we’ll be able to climb the two magnificent pyramids in the middle of the jungle.

Located southeast of Campeche, the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve is part of the largest tropical forest in Mexico and offers a natural setting of vast animal and plant diversity to discover in each step. 
Calakmul is a pre-Hispanic Mayan archaeological site, in the core of the Calakmul biosphere reserve, of more than 700,000 ha, municipality of the same name and a few kilometers of the border with Guatemala.
 There are more than 1,600 varieties of plants, 73 of orchids and 94 species of mammals, which is why it is considered one of the 15 priority areas for the conservation of mammals in the country. The diversity of animal species includes impressive felines such as the tigrillo, the jaguar, the ocelot and the puma, as well as other species such as the white-tailed deer, the armadillo, the anteater, the peccary, the tapir, the howler monkey and the monkey. You can also find more than 350 species of birds, 16 of amphibians, 400 butterflies and 50 of reptiles. 
The Calakmul forest variety has allowed it to take advantage of different species such as cedar, guayacán, mahogany, chicozapote, granadillo, tzalam, chechén, chaká and jabín.

After the visit we drive to our hotel, and have some spare time to take it all in.

Meals: breakfast/lunch box, dinner (at the hotel)
Overnight: Puerta Calakmul


On this day we visit Kohunlich, which represents the Third Eye chakra. We will trek to the primary pyramid with huge human faces on the surface. This is a place to experience Oneness.

The site of Kohunlich is relatively extensive, about 21 acres surrounded by tropical forest. The layout of the buildings and the remains of water pipes and cisterns suggests that Kohunlich was once an important city. There are about 200 mounds, although many of them still remain unexcavated and still invaded by vegetation.


Afterwards, we continue to Bacalar – by boat. Our ride through the lagoon will be approx 2,5 hours long. Bacalar is a picturesque community in which lovers of nature, adventure, history and cultural events find a perfect setting. The original name of Bacalar dates from pre-Hispanic times; in this historical relation this site is indicated as: Siyan Ka’an Bakjalal. Siyan Kaán is translated as the birth of heaven; Bakjalal for bak jalal which means fenced or surrounded by reeds.

After Bacalar, we drive to Chetumal, and have a good rest.

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Overnight: Capital Plaza


We will drive to Uxmal (6 hours), to visit the famous Magician’s pyramid, which was built in one night. This site represents the Base/Root chakra.

Uxmal is an ancient Maya city of the classical period in present-day Mexico. It is considered one of the most important archaeological sites of Maya culture. It is located in the Puuc region and is considered one of the Maya cities most representative of the region’s dominant architectural style. It has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in recognition of its significance.


Afterwards, we’ll visit Kabah, the Will Power chakra.

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Overnight: Uxmal Resort Maya


We’ll visit Labna, which represents the Sexual chakra.

This is Mesoamerican archaeological site and ceremonial center of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization, located in the Puuc Hills region of the Yucatán Peninsula.


Our next destination will be Chichen Itza, and we’ll stop to se Mayapan on the way. The city of Mayapán, a walled city, is considered the great Mayan capital according to the Indian and Spanish chronicles. Its name, apparently, means “The Flag of the Mayans”.

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Overnight: Villas Arqueologicasa Chichen


On this day, we’ll visit the area of Chichen Itza early morning, before other visitors enter the area. We will connect to the energies of this ancient Maya temple, which represents the Heart chakra.

Chichen Itza Temple is a combination of two Mayan calendars. It also reflects 4 elements, 9 months of pregnancy, 360+5 days of the year, a full human body, and it also is a connection to our Atlantean roots.

Chichen Itza is nowadays a tourist destination visited each year by more than a million people. The most prominent building of the metropolis, Kukulcan (aka Thoth) Pyramid, known as El Castillo, has become an emblem of the Maya culture all over the world.

We’ll also visit the famous Cenote Ik kil, where we have time for a swim in the natural pool. Afterwards, we drive to Tulum.

*Private visits to Chichen Itza are no longer possible due to governmental restrictions.

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Overnight: Hotel Dreams Tulum

DAY 10 (Oct 9th) – TULUM

We’ll take a short ride to the archaeological zone of Tulum, which represents the Throat chakra. It lies in a special location close to beach – don’t forget your swimwear. 🙂

The city received in the antiquity the Mayan name of Zamá (that means in Mayan dawn) and the present one, Tulum (that means in Mayan wall), that seems to have been used to refer to the city when it was already in ruins. Due to the numerous records in murals and other works found in the buildings of the city, it is considered that Tulum was an important center of worship for the so-called “descending god”.

In the Mayan culture, importance was given to the planning of the city according to cosmology, and so the construction of the city of Tulum was based on the concept of the “four corners”, that refers to the points cardinals and that in turn arises from the old five-point cosmic pattern. The city as a quadrilateral represented an orderly, rational world, made for gods and men alike. Balame guards or guardians of the town were installed in each corner or entrance.


After our visit we’ll head back to the hotel, and have some time to relax.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner

Overnight: Hotel Dreams Tulum

DAY 11 (Oct 10th) – TULUM, CANCUN, flight to MEXICO CITY

We’ll continue leisurely, having free morning time at the beach. Later on, we’ll have a transfer to the Cancun´s airport for the flight to Mexico City.

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Overnight: Casa Blanca


We’ll visit the 3-Cultures Square with the prehispanic ruins of Tlatelolco, colonial St. Jacob-church and modern urban living buildings in the background. We’ll continue to the archaeological site of Teotihuacán (UNESCO World Cultural Heritage) – the city of the stars, 13 crystal singing and talking skulls, the astronomical clock, built by post Atlantean Civilization and then abandoned.

The magical city of Teotihuacán is located approximately one hour northeast of Mexico City. Using the sacred geometry layout of the city as a model for transcendence, we will spend almost a whole day here. The energy here is perfect to support our personal work and change. Discover all the things that have been preventing us from expressing ourselves fully and authentically in this lifetime.

Just as the ancient people did here at Teotihuacán, we will practice the three masteries: Mastery of Awareness, of Transformation and Intent. Become the true manifestation of Spirit that you really are! These are very profound and heartfelt journeys designed to allow you to connect to the divinity within you.


We’ll return to the hotel, have dinner, and some good rest.

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Overnight: Hotel Casablanca


We’ll start the day by visiting the Guadalupe Shrine (the old & the new), Chapels of the Indians and the Well, as well as the original piece of cloth of Shepherd boy Juan Diego with Virgin Mary’s image.

We’ll continue for a visit of the downtown in Mexico City. We will explore magnificent Mexico City, built by the Spanish on the ruins of Tenochtitlan, the old Aztec capital. The city’s historical heart is its vast central square, or El Zocalo, and on this tour you’ll also visit the Metropolitan Cathedral, which is the largest church in all of Latin America. You’ll also visit the National Palace, which hosts Diego Rivera’s murals depicting the history of Mexico, and is one of the oldest government seats in the world.

In the afternoon, we’ll have a boat ride in Xochimilco, the so called Venice in Mexico. We’ll round up our journey with a closing circle. 🙂

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Overnight: Hotel Casablanca


After breakfast, a transfer to the airport will be organized for everybody, according to everyone’s flights.


Day 1 (Oct 13th)

Flight to Mundo Maya Airport in Flores, Guatemala: MEX-GUA, with Aeromexico (08:40-10:47), to connect to GUA-FRS, with Avianca (13:00-14:00). Transfer to the hotel, and visit of Isla de Flores in the afternoon.

Meals: Breakfast, dinner
Overnight: Villa Maya

Day 2 (Oct 14th)

Visit to the National Park of Tikal with the Jaguar Temple, and Museum Morley.

Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner
Overnight: Villa Maya

Day 3 (Oct 15th)

Transfer to Yaxhá for a visit (Mayan ruins), and boat ride to Topoxté Island.

Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner
Overnight: Villa Maya

Day 4 (Oct 16th)

Transfer to the airport Mundo Maya, a short internal flight to La Aurora International Airport – and from there a flight home.

Meals: Breakfast

Join us on this unforgettable journey in the ancient land of Maya!